
Showing posts from November, 2019

Kebutuhan dan Pola Hubungan Antara Manusia Sebagai Insan Pendidikan dalam Filsafat Pendidikan


Memahami Karakteristik Peserta Didik

KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kehadirat Allah Yang Maha Esa atas segala Rahmat dan Karunia-Nya yang telah diberikan sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan makalah Pengelolaan Kelas tentang ”Karakteristik Peserta Didik ” dengan baik dan tepat waktu.

Adjective Clauses

I.      INTRODUCTION An adjective clause is is a dependent (relative) clause that modifies a noun or pronoun. An Adjective clause usually comes immediately after the word (s) it modifies. In some cases, a pronoun or prepositional phrase may come between the noun or pronoun and the clause. English has several different types of adjective clause constructions. You will study each one in detail in later sections. There are many types from adjective clauses 1.       Subject clauses : that, which, and who Example : Hinduism is a religion that did not have one founder 2.       Object Clauses : that, which, and who(m) Example : The man whom I met yesterday is a Hindu 3.       Possessive clauses : whose Example : Hinduism is a religion whose beliefs form a major part of Hindu culture 4.       Time and place clauses : when and where

Filsafat pendidikan idealisme dan realisme

  Filsafat pendidikan Idealisme & Realisme

Imaginary Conditionals : Present Or Unspecified Time

I.      INTRODUCTION Imaginary conditions express ideas that the speaker or writer thinks are unlikely, untrue, or contrary to fact. They may be wishes or dreams, or they may express advice to others. Conditional Sentence is a form of complex sentence formed from a subordinate clause that begins with the subordinate conjunction if in the form of conditions and playing clause which is also a result or consequence. The sentence conditional (conditional sentence) is also a sentence to be able to assume that something that has not happened, does not occur, or has happened. This sentence also consists of two parts, namely the free clause (independent clause) which will become the parent sentence and the clause if (clause) which also has the statement of presuppositions. Free clause is one clause that stands alone because it has a complete meaning. Whereas the if clause is one form of clause that cannot stand alone because it has an incomplete clause beginning with if. Each cond

Acquisition of Syntax

A.     a Historical Excursion into the nation of para meter into the nation of parameter (through the ages) Akuisisi sintaksis adalah bidang tata bahasa pertama yang dikembangkan dalam L2A generatif, dan masih merupakan bidang yang paling erat terkait dengan linguistik generatif. Gagasan asli dari penguasaan bahasa dalam linguistik generatif (Chomsky 1981, 1986) adalah bahwa, terlepas dari sifat universal yang disebut prinsip, sifat spesifik bahasa dapat dijelaskan oleh parameter, dipahami sebagai (sejumlah kecil) pilihan yang disediakan oleh Universal Grammar untuk dikontrol variasi, yang, setelah ditetapkan, akan menawarkan dasar untuk pengaturan parameter lebih lanjut. Nina Hyams berpendapat bahwa anak-anak berbahasa Inggris memulai dengan nilai subjek nol dari parameter, hanya untuk mengatur ulang ke nilai yang benar nanti. Secara konseptual, menarik untuk menganggap parameter sebagai perubahan yang akan membawa sejumlah konstruksi yang tidak berhubungan secara dangkal ke d

Teaching Learning Media

A.     Defenition Briggs (1970) in Arief Sadiman's book entitled Media Education, states that the media are all physical tools that can present messages and stimulate students to learn. Meanwhile Gagne believes that the media are various types of components in the student environment that can stimulate them to learn (Arief Sadiman, et al, 2009: 6). While learning according to Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning National Education System, namely the process of interaction of students with educators and learning resources in a learning environment. Thus learning media is a tool that serves to convey messages or information that will be given in a learning. So, Learning media is a tool used in educational settings to convey learning material as information to achieve effective learning. There are several benefits of using media in the process of learning English.