Teaching Learning Media

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A.    Defenition
Briggs (1970) in Arief Sadiman's book entitled Media Education, states that the media are all physical tools that can present messages and stimulate students to learn. Meanwhile Gagne believes that the media are various types of components in the student environment that can stimulate them to learn (Arief Sadiman, et al, 2009: 6).
While learning according to Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning National Education System, namely the process of interaction of students with educators and learning resources in a learning environment. Thus learning media is a tool that serves to convey messages or information that will be given in a learning.
So, Learning media is a tool used in educational settings to convey learning material as information to achieve effective learning. There are several benefits of using media in the process of learning English.
B.     Types of learning media:
1.       Text
Text Is a basic element used to convey information that has various forms of writing that seeks to provide attraction in the delivery of information.
a.       Boards
This board refers to the blackboard that is used as a learning medium. The benefits of using the blackboard in teaching English in class are involving students in the learning process, to monitor student understanding in the learning process, can be used easily, to save paper, students can interact easily with the media, do not need technical support, and don't spend a lot of time preparing it.
b.      Flipcharts
This is a medium that has a larger sheet of paper. This is widely used in discussions when writing what is being discussed.
c.       Course Book
This book is a print media that the teacher has used as a guide for teaching in the classroom. In this book not only contains an explanation of learning material. But it also contains exercises and assignments to support students' knowledge and skills.
2.       Audio media
It Is a type of media associated with hearing aids. This media helps convey information more memorable. Mempu draws attention to an offering. Examples are background sounds, music, or other sound recordings.
Some types of media included are:
a.       Radio
Radio broadcasts are perfect for listening to music and languages. And this can train hearing for conversations related to English.
b.      Speaker
This media is used to hear the sound directly. Sehinnga can find good pronouns used in English. And this can practice English listening skills.
3.      Visual media
Media that can provide visual stimuli, such as pictures / photographs, diagrams, charts, cartoons, posters, bulletin boards and others. The function of this media is to attract attention, clarify the presentation of ideas, illustrate or decorate facts that might be quickly forgotten if not visualized. Media included are:
a.       Pictures / photos
It is a media that is designed to convey information through pictures which combine "visual symbols" and verbal information. Images, graphics and also cartoons are this type of media. The purpose of learning with this media is to: practice, communication, understanding, ornamentation, prediction, and discussion.
The benefits of this learning media are:
o   Gives a concrete appearance
o   Images can transcend time and space
o   Images can overcome the limitations of our observations
o   Can clarify a problem from a discussion of the material
o   The price is cheap and easy to obtain without requiring special equipment
b.      Sketch
Is a draft that presents the main parts or important points without details in order to be more quickly understood
c.       Chart / Chart
This media serves to present ideas or concepts that are difficult if only delivered in writing or verbally visually. The chart will give a summary of the key points of a presentation. In a chart we usually also find other types of visual media such as pictures, diagrams, or verbal symbols.
o   The characteristics of a chart as a good medium are:
o   Can be understood by readers
o   Simple and straightforward or uncomplicated and convoluted
   4.      Media projection.
        There two types of media projection :
           - Silent projection media.
a.         OHP
OHP or Overhead The projector has several advantages in its use as a learning medium, namely students can see the material easily in front of the class, the projected image is clearer when compared to the image on the board and also helps the teacher to show something one by one so that students can easily understand the material with the display directly in front of the class.
b.        Computer-based presentation technology.
This instructional component has two main components, namely hardware and software. This media combines audio and visual presentations which can help teachers to attract students' attention in the learning process. This type of media can also send large amounts of information
          - Motion projection media
 a.    TV / CD program
This is an interesting and modern media because it conveys learning messages in an audio visual manner accompanied by elements of motion.
  c.         Video
With this media will get information directly from the speaker, saves learning time because the recording can be played back, and can observe objects directly which can improve students' understanding of learning material.
   5.      Artificial / miniature objects
It is Like three-dimensional objects that can be touched by students. This media is used to overcome the limitations of both objects and situations so that the learning process continues to run well.
a.       Realia
This is by using real objects to teach in the classroom.
  6.       Humans
This includes teachers, students, or experts / experts in certain fields or materials who will convey information more clearly and directly.

C.    The benefits of learning media
There are several benefits of learning media, namely:
1.      Clarify the presentation of a message so that it is not too verbal
2.      Overcoming the limitations of space, time and senses, such as :
a.       Objects that are too large, can be replaced with reality, images, films, videos and more.
b.      Small objects are assisted by images or videos
c.       Events or events that occurred in the past can be displayed again through film, video or photo footage.
d.      Objects that are too complex can be presented in the form of models, diagrams and others.
e.       A concept that is too broad can be visualized in the form of films, slide pictures or videos
3.      By using instructional media appropriately and varied it can overcome the passivity of students. Media in this case is useful for:
a.       Generating enthusiasm for learning
b.      Allows direct interaction between students and the environment and reality.
c.       Enables students to learn by themselves according to their interests and abilities.
4.      With students' creative attitudes and different environments and experiences this is the same for all students. This is also related to the curriculum and learning materials in schools today can be overcome with learning media in their abilities:
a.       Give the same stimulus.
b.      Equate the experience of each student
c.       Cause the same perception

D.    Steps for media selection
The steps that need to be taken in the selection of instructional media, namely:
Step 1: Information or learning
This relates to the use of media which is for information or learning purposes, while the media for learning needs recipients must demonstrate their abilities as evidence that they have learned.
Step 2: Determine the message transmission
In this case, attention must be paid to whether the learning process will be used 'teaching aids' or 'learning media'. Teaching aids are tools that are designed, developed and produced to clarify teaching staff. While learning media is a medium that allows interaction between media product developers and students / users. So in this case it is the role of the educator as a messenger of learning material which is replaced by the media.
Step 3: Determine the characteristics of the lesson
Our assumption is that we have designed a learning design, where we have done an analysis of teaching, formulated learning objectives, have chosen material and methods. Furthermore, it is necessary to analyze whether the specified learning objectives belong to the cognitive, affective or psychomotor domains. Each of these domains requires different media.
Step 4: Media Classification
Media can be classified according to the specific characteristics of each media. Based on the perception of normal human media, media can be classified into audio media, video media, and audio visual media. Based on their physical characteristics and forms, media can be classified into projection media (still and motion) and non-projection media (two dimensions and three dimensions). Whereas if classified based on their existence, the media are grouped into two, namely media inside the classroom and media outside the classroom. Each of these media has advantages and disadvantages when compared to other media.
Step 5: Analysis of the characteristics of each media
Learning media that have many kinds need to be analyzed their strengths and weaknesses in achieving the stated learning goals. Also considerations of the economic aspects and their availability. From the various alternatives, the most appropriate media is chosen.

E.     The Importance of Using Media in Training
The importance of using media in the training process are:
1.      Many concepts in the training materials require a common perception for the participants.
2.      In the fields of study delivered at the training there are work processes that are very slow, making it difficult to see with the eye and can be captured with the help of instructional media.
3.      There are also things or events that work very quickly so that it is very difficult to observe for example: the decision making process, so that with the help of training media such as film strips or slides the process will be easy to learn.
4.      Many abstract things turn out to be difficult to observe by sensing, for example the process of thinking to solve a problem and apparently easier to learn with the help of flowcharts or other media.
5.      Past events or events that might occur in the future are very difficult to observe.
6.      There are also many daily events related to management problems that are easier to learn with the help of training media, which can be directly observed at certain times or opportunities.
7.      Many processes must be carried out in learning management, which require training media to attract the attention and interest of participants.
We can conclude that there are many types of media that can be used in teaching learning activities. Different types help teachers in different teaching and learning activities and materials. Although various media have been developed, not all of them can be used at the same time. The teacher needs to choose the most appropriate media in the learning process because of students' characteristics, materials and teaching methods.


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